We are ÖHG Hohenheim

ÖHG is the Protestant and Catholic chaplaincy at the University of Hohenheim: we are students, doctoral students, university staff and two Chaplains.

We celebrate services together, we search for fellowship, discuss faith and hard topics, discover interesting things and have fun activities together.

What we offer

  • Our chaplains are happy to spend time with you and support through happy and hard times.

    Your conversations remain private and cost nothing.

  • We celebrate services in english and bilingual.

    Catholic Mass in english is celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Location: St. Antonius church Hohenheim, Paracelsusstraße 87, at 18:00 (choir practice at 17:00).

    Evangelical services occur on differing dates (see calendar). Location: Steckfeld church, Steinwaldstraße 2.

    At the start and end of each Hohenheim semester we celebrate an ecumenical service in one of our churches, sometimes in the university or in our common room.

  • Once a month at 19 h we celebrate a prayer on the style of Taizé, for all the aficionados. Our common room is permanently prepared as a Taizé chapel. Next prayer: Wednesday, 29th of January.

  • On Tuesdays during the semester, we gather at 7 AM in our common room for 20 minutes of meditation and prayer followed by breakfast.
    Attention: The start of this activity has not yet been set for this semester!

  • We sell fair-trade products in front of the Mensa every Wednesday from 11:30 h to 13:00 h. We look forward to meeting you! If you want to help, just approach us!

  • We offer a weekly German conversational course for internationals together with our Scalabrini Missionaries colleagues. Friday 17h-19h at Wollgrasweg 11.

    If you are interested, contact Lorella Bortolamai: lorella.bortolamai@gmail.com

Upcoming events

  • Skittles evening in the city

    Wednesday, January 8, 6.30 pm

    Bowling Arena Stuttgart-Feuerbach
    U-Bahn „Sportpark Feuerbach“

    Joint journey: U-Bahn from Plieningen at 17.32 h

    Together with the Evangelische Studenten-Gemeinde (ESG) we go bowling.

    Please register directly with the ESG:
    or by WhatsApp with Andrea: 0175-3731726

  • English Mass

    Sunday, January 12, 6 pm

    St. Antonius Church

    Paracelsusstraße 87

    Catholic Mass held in English language, with many international students from Hohenheim.

    Choir rehearsal starts at 5 pm.

  • Iranian cooking evening

    Wednesday, January 15, 7 pm

    Ökumenische Hochschulgemeinde - ÖHG
    Wollgrasweg 11

    Afsaneh cooks her favorite recipes with us.
    For better planning, please register by Monday, January 13: sekretariat@oehg.de

  • Evenings for young people in grief - Online

    Monday, 10.02.2024
    Monday, 24.02.2024
    Monday, 24.03.2024
    Tuesday, 08.04.2024

    Online (18.30-20.00h) in German language

    Being a student is actually about a new start, and then suddenly there's the death of a loved one. It can be good to talk to people in the same situation.

    The evenings are led by student pastor Corinna Hirschberg and Matthias v. Westerholt

    Information and registration: matthias.westerholt@esg-dortmund.de

Our team

Student Housing

We have 3 shared flats with a total of 11 rooms by the University and 2 shared flats with 14 more rooms in Birkach (10 mins bus ride to the Uni). If you are in dire need of housing please write to be added to our waiting list.


  • KAAD - Catholic Service for Academic Exchange

    KAAD is the scholarship organization of the German Catholic Church for postgraduates and academics from (developing) countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.


    The Bischöfliche Studienförderung Cusanuswerk is the scholarship program for gifted students of the Catholic Church in Germany within the framework of state support for gifted students.


  • Emergency funds

    Sometimes emergency situations arise during studies: You couldn't work because of illness, the rent has gone up, a purchase was urgently needed.... If you are in need of help, please contact us and we will see if we can find a solution through our networks!